Sunday 13 October 2013

Healthy Cooking Class V: Weight Management

Sumber gambar:

Berat badan berlebih dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit degeneratif. Demikian juga dengan berat badan yang terlalu rendah, dapat menyebabkan masalah diakibatkan kurang gizi.
Pengaturan berat badan sebenarnya mudah asalkan kita tahu prinsip tubuh kita bekerja dan apa fungsi-fungsi dari zat gizi. Ketahui makanan kita, bukan asal makan saja. Learn the food, nutrition, ingredients, and technique. Practice by your own hands to cook your healthy food.

Tempat: de chef culinary center, kompleks ruko V point, jl pajajaran No 1A. Bogor.
Tanggal : 3 November 2013
Waktu : 10.00-14.00
- Food nutrition
- Weight management
- Healthy cooking techniques
- Calculate your food calorie
- Practice 2 healthy menu : Special Steamed Chicken Garlic dan Lime-green beans saute
- Practice bonus: Honey Cappuccino Red rice steamed cakes

Free: Training CD, Certificate, coffee break, lunch, merchandise from sponsor (Healthy Bites Oatmeal Cookies,, Sportindo magazine, Devieni premium rice, tea & coffee), and stationaries are available.
This event is supported by : De Chef Culinary Center, Healthy Bites Oatmeal Cookies,, Sportindo Magazine, Devieni Premium Rice, Tea, and Coffee.

With only Rp. 380.000,- on investment, you can join in this event (limited seat for max 10 participants). Registration: Arief (08129294267 or pin BB 2b009f9f)

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